A Low Impact Approach to Improved Management of Stormwater Runoff and Pollutant Control
Use of Open Joint Permeable Pavers is a recognized Best Management Practice by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), providing both pollution control and stormwater management. Extreme weather produces extreme rainfall. The result has been increased regulations as well as an increase in the size and expense of each property’s necessary stormwater management system. Permeable open jointed paver systems help retain stormwater on site, where the water falls, thereby allowing property owners to achieve pre-development stormwater goals with smaller capacity stormwater systems. Further, permeable open jointed pavers have the quickest return on investment and the lowest cost of ownership of any permeable pavement system. For these reasons, permeable open jointed pavers are a key component to Greenrise stormwater solutions.
Advantages of Use:
- Decrease detention requirements
- Reduce overall size of storm sewer on site
- Reduction of stormwater runoff into the stormwater sewer systems
- Reduced pollutants from first flush runoff
- Improve property’s aesthetics
Ideal Uses:
- Commercial and Residential Developments
- Parking Lots and Driveways
- Green Gutter
- Walkways and Paths
What We Do
We reevaluate conventional wisdom, including the economics of permeable pavements. These pavers function as water filters, channeling it to an underground storage system. This approach not only enhances water quality but also reduces the need for expensive stormwater infrastructure. The result: an economical and environmentally friendly solution.

While we understand there are many options to choose from when it comes to picking a permeable paver for your job, there are several things worth considering prior to choosing the prettiest or cheapest.
- What are the maintenance costs?
Ok, there weren’t several things, there was only one thing. The first, and most important question to ask your supplier is what does it cost to maintain the product and how often should I expect that maintenance to occur. What you will often find is that the cheapest is unmaintainable and the prettiest isn’t cheap to take care of.
Once you have chosen a paver, the design below the paver will be relatively the same. Here are a few considerations when designing your permeable pavement system:
- Proper Stone Bed Thickness – Consult a Geotech for Guidance on Thickness, Do not Rely on Manufacturer Typical Details
- Underdrain – When clay soils are present, always use an underdrain. Moisture weakens soils, so proper drainage is a must.
- Curbs – In softer soil, use down turned ribbon curbs and two piece curbs to lock the rock and pavers in place and prevent differential settlement
- Stone – Be certain your stone is angular, not round, and has a CBR Less Than 40
- Fabric – Use a high tensile strength fabric to line the excavation and disburse the point load
- Protection – Be sure to protect your pavers during construction with our “cap and seal” method

Why Do We Recommend This Product?
“I design with the end in mind when choosing the right system for clients which means I want to be able to guarantee the maintainability of a product. PowerBlock is easy to install, easy to maintain and provides a unique, aesthetic appeal while managing stormwater for any site.”
David Batts
Vice President, Stormwater Systems
Greenrise was created from a drive to not only bring solutions for erosion and sediment control, and stormwater runoff treatment, but to do it with the best products like certified bioretention soil and proven erosion solutions, and services like SWPPP management and vegetated roof design. This was our goal from the start, and it is still what pushes us forward every day.