Since 2005, Greenrise has developed a close working relationship with Profile Products. Having long sought superior products for slope stabilization and turf establishment, Greenrise settled on Profile as a preferred supplier having witnessed, firsthand, the overall performance, innovation and value of Flexterra and other Profile offerings. Profile continues to be an ongoing source of critical support as we continue to seek solutions for sustainable vegetation in complex growing situations.
What We Do
With a focus on local regulations and requirements, we’ve collaborated with stormwater quality technology providers across the country to offer a range of specialized pollutant removal systems. Whether your concern is TSS (Total Suspended Solids), trash, debris, or even heavy metals, we have an efficient, easy-to-integrate solution for your project. Our compliance, inspection, and maintenance teams ensure that these products continue to perform as intended, limiting your risk of costly fines.
Agronomic Soil Amendments

Biotic Soil Media (BSM)
The most advanced engineered soil media.
Soils and substrates associated with denuded sites from construction, mining, energy development and other land disturbing activities are inherently lacking in organic matter, nutrients and biological activity essential to sustainable vegetative establishment. Ideally these sites would be covered with several inches (centimeters) of rich fertile topsoil to help develop a reasonable growing medium. However, there is simply not enough suitable or reasonably priced topsoil to ameliorate inhospitable conditions on every site.
Patent-pending ProGanics™ Biotic Soil Media™ (BSM™) has been designed as a topsoil alternative that accelerates the development of depleted soils/substrates with low organic matter, low nutrient levels and limited biological activity. ProGanics is not a direct replacement for expensive topsoil, but provides an abundant source of organic matter and soil building components to quickly modify soil chemistry, initiate growth establishment and buildup of the uppermost “O” and “A” soil horizons.
Use the calculator to discover the possible cost savings ProGanics BSM can offer when used in place of Topsoil or Compost.
- 36 trucks is the amount needed to cover 1 acre (0.4 ha) with 4 in (10 cm) of topsoil (based on 15 cubic yard capacity dump truck).
- 2 tankloads is based on a 3,000-gallon capacity hydroseeder equipped with gear or positive displacement pump. ProGanics is applied at 3,500-5,000 lb/ac (3,900-5,600 kg/ha).
- 5,000 pounds of ProGanics provides the same amount of organic and soil building components per acre as 36 loads of rich topsoil. Separation layer will be required on highly deficient soils.
Why Do We Recommend This Product?
“The availability of nutrient rich, high quality, consistent topsoil has always been elusive. When Profile Products introduced ProGanics in 2015, this problem was solved. As a manufactured topsoil alternative, ProGanics has proven to be a game changer. Each bale is identical to the last, ensuring availability of a uniform growth environment for whatever seed mix is desired. The high cost and logistical issues associated with finding, importing and spreading good topsoil can now be a thing of the past.”
– John Moss
Vice President, Business Development
ProGanics® DUAL™
Biotic Soil + Erosion Control
Biotic Soil Media plus erosion control in one application.
Biotic Soil Media plus erosion control in one application.
Save time and tank loads while increasing job-site productivity with ProGanics® DUAL™. In one hydraulic application you get the proven soil-building benefits of ProGanics® Biotic Soil Media™ plus the best erosion control effectiveness among all combination products. Get in, get it done and move on with ProGanics DUAL.
The patented ingredients of ProGanics ignite the nutrient cycling necessary to improve soil health for sustainable vegetation establishment while the erosion control protection of a BFM effectively locks down seed and soil.
When is ProGanics DUAL Ideal?
- Time-sensitive, large projects with depleted soils and slopes ≤ 2H:1V
- Remote or difficult-to-access sites
- Complicated jobs where efficiency is paramount to turning a profit
Why Do We Recommend This Product?
“DUAL is 50% Proganics and 50% Flexterra. This means that in applications where DUAL meets the needed criteria, we will be able to save our clients quite a bit of costs in both truck loads and in labor, because DUAL is one spray rather than having to do two unique sprays. We think this is going to be really great for projects throughout Texas, as Texas projects typically meet the criteria needed to make DUAL the best option. That criteria is having the soil’s organic matter between 1% to 3% and the project’s slopes less than 2:1, and in a large amount of projects that we see throughout Texas, we’re going to easily meet that criteria.”
– John Moss
Vice President, Business Development
Engineered Fiber Matric (EFM)

Superior performance at a competitive price.
Get superior performance at a competitive price and a higher loading rate with ProMatrix™. ProMatrix with patented Engineered Fiber Matrix™ (EFM™) technology was created to give you an edge when bidding on jobs requiring BFM/SMM hydraulic products. ProMatrix delivers the erosion control and vegetative establishment you expect from Profile Products at a competitive price and with 20% fewer tank loads per job! Learn why this highest-loading product saves you time, conserves water and optimizes performance. ProMatrix EFM delivers superior performance and sustainable results, in an easy-to-apply, and cost effective solution.
Why Do We Recommend This Product?
“ProMatrix has proven to be the perfect value priced alternate to Flexterra when budget considerations take center stage. It performs extremely well against other Bonded Fiber Matrix type products, while offering many of the same characteristics as Flexterra. With an erosion control functional longevity of up to 12 months, ProMatrix outperforms virtually all mulch products in its class. At its competitive price point, ProMatrix offers unparalleled erosion control results.”
– John Moss
Vice President, Business Development
High-Performance-Flexible Growth Medium™ (HP-FGM™)

Superior performance at a competitive price.
Get superior performance at a competitive price and a higher loading rate with ProMatrix™. ProMatrix with patented Engineered Fiber Matrix™ (EFM™) technology was created to give you an edge when bidding on jobs requiring BFM/SMM hydraulic products. ProMatrix delivers the erosion control and vegetative establishment you expect from Profile Products at a competitive price and with 20% fewer tank loads per job! Learn why this highest-loading product saves you time, conserves water and optimizes performance. ProMatrix EFM delivers superior performance and sustainable results, in an easy-to-apply, and cost effective solution.
Why Do We Recommend This Product?
“We have recommended Flexterra on thousands of projects because it provides unparalleled erosion control while holding moisture, promoting rapid germination and turf establishment. In addition, we have found no other product that binds to soil as well as Flexterra does, even on extreme slopes.”
– John Moss
Vice President, Business Development
Greenrise was created from a drive to not only bring solutions for erosion and sediment control, and stormwater runoff treatment, but to do it with the best products like certified bioretention soil and proven erosion solutions, and services like SWPPP management and vegetated roof design. This was our goal from the start, and it is still what pushes us forward every day.